But it’s the right kind of contagious.


The Arthur Murray studios have seen a lot since opening in 1912… World War 1, the Jazz Age, the Great Depression, World War 2, the rise of Rock & Roll, landing on the moon, Disco, the technology boom, 9/11, the first U.S. African-American president, and so on. Today, we tackle COVID-19… the virus that is plaguing nearly every nation, person, and business across the globe, including the dance world.

But throughout all of these events, Arthur Murray Dance Studios have proven they are a powerhouse of spreading optimism, comfort, education, and an escape from whatever life’s current realities may be. We have forged ahead through thick and thin, made changes to roll with the times, & never once considered giving up the dream of spreading the joy of dance to the masses.

DANCING is the best and only kind of virus that needs to be IMMEDIATELY spread worldwide!

All of the Arthur Murray Studios across the planet have joined together to share ideas on how to continue to teach those under quarantine. Ideas range from virtual lessons and group classes, to quick tips on Facebook, to posting inspirational memes and videos. Continuing to dance from home will help to keep your lessons fresh, avoid cabin fever, keep your progress current, keep your home studio in business, and will give you hope for what lies on the other side of this pandemic.

Regardless of what happens in the coming weeks, we sincerely want to express our deepest thanks for your support and continued appreciation for what we love to do. Fort Wayne has been in continuous operation since 1941, and we do not plan on ending that streak because of this! We are not just a team of instructors. We are a family, will continue to be a family, and all of you are a part of that family. Whatever you may need, even if it is a virtual hug, clarification on a step, or a roll of toilet paper, we are always only a phone call or text away.

Today, we hope to provide some inspiration and ideas on how to keep dancing while under viral house arrest. We want to infect you and others with “THE DANCING VIRUS!” Fort Wayne will be posting some videos in the coming days, but until then, we hope you enjoy these fun and inspirational ideas below.


Above from left to right: James Dutton, Naperville, IL & Oak Brook Terrace, IL Franchisee, making plans with his staff. // Grandville, MI staff doing a virtual Swing Group Class. // Staff from the Minneapolis studios doing virtual dance lessons.

  • Gather New Music for Practicing

    Head on over to YouTube or Spotify and search for new Foxtrot, Rumba, Waltz, or Swing music. DJ Ice and Best Ballroom Music have some great options. You can also search the Top 40 Songs for the Week where you will find more modern songs to fit Hustle, West Coast Swing, Nightclub Two Step, and Salsa. Get creative with your searches! There are so many great undiscovered songs and artists out there for your listening and dancing pleasure.

  • Master Your Own Dance Solo

    Due to all the self-distancing we have to do these days, there is no better time than now to work on yourself and your own dancing! Pretend you just landed the big solo number in the ballet or on Broadway. Practice like someone was gunning to take it from you. You are already home so you might as well dance it BIG!

  • Drills, Drills, Drills

    You can’t build a house on a rocky foundation. Get back to basics and practice those exercises your teachers have you doing on your lessons. Whether it’s Cuban Motion while you are brushing your teeth, not slouching in the recliner, or heel leads through the grocery store, pick one action to work on every day & do it no matter where you are.

  • Dance Videos > Netflix

    Have you already watched everything on Netlfix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Quibi, YouTube TV, and Disney+? Turn your attention to dance videos! Nearly all the Arthur Murray’s across the globe are posting videos, group classes, and more on Instagram and Facebook. Check out what the studios in Sydney, Dubai, or Tokyo have to offer! You can also look back to the 30 Day Arthur Murray Dance Challenge series, and Arthur Murray International, Inc’s YouTube page to see what a dance-o-rama is all about.

  • Set Your Next Dance Goal

    Just because you aren’t in the studio doesn’t mean you can’t plan your next dance goal! By the time 2021 rolls around, how do you see yourself dancing? To what song do you want to do a routine? What dance has been on your buckets list? Which event do you not want to miss out on? When the studios reopen, share those visions with your teachers so we can make a plan and make it happen.

  • Dance IN EVERY ROOM OF the House & Outside

    Many of you already practice at home, so try dancing in a different location. Need some fresh air? Do a little dancing on the porch, in the driveway, or in a lonesome alley… just be safe and keep your distance.

    Dancing on carpet and tile, concrete and grass, in open & tight spaces will only prepare you for the REAL SOCIAL DANCING WORLD! Challenge the size of your dance floor, because if you can dance in the half-bath or in front of your neighbors then you can dance anywhere with confidence!

  • Share Your Dancing

    Take videos of your dancing and share them with us, your family members, and the dance community. Sharing your skills and passions with others, especially in a time where we can’t interact in person, can really mean so much to someone. Watching others get to move, touch, smile, embrace, and dance will only infect others with “dancing bug.”

    Check out this TED Talk about how one individual embraces another to start a dance movement in under 3-minutes! (Arthur Murray teachers LOVE TED Talks.) He wasn’t afraid to let others join, or put himself out there.

    You never know who you will inspire to start dancing because of what you shared.

TED TALKS // With help from some surprising footage, Derek Sivers explains how movements really get started. (Hint: it takes two.)

  • Teach the Kids Your Moves

    With schools, dance studios, and gyms being closed, the kids may start driving you more bonkers than usual. Your personal sanctuaries where you might have normally escaped are now compromised. Why not include your kids in your at-home dance practices? Teach them a little Salsa basic or Waltz turn. You could even work on manners & etiquette by showing them how to ask someone to dance and where it’s appropriate to place one’s hands.

  • Learn a New Tik Tok Dance Craze

    Tik Tok is one of the newest social media outlets comprised of short clips by mostly teens displaying something unique, creative, skillful, hilarious, or just plain weird. Dance crazes like The Renegade, Spooky Scary Skeletons, & Oh Na Na Na are sweeping the nation. Others are constantly learning how to do them and improving upon these short routines. You can see a list and the videos of the top trending Tik Tok dances here.

  • Make Your Own Dance Craze

    Have a song you really love? Try putting together a short 20-second snipet of choreography for others to learn. Choose your favorite part of the song, and remember, in order for it to turn into a “craze” you have to put it out there for others to see and try. Don’t be afraid to show the world your ideas and mad dance skills!

  • Exercise & Stretch

    Increase your dance stamina, flexibility, core strength, balance, and posture by exercising at home. You can do some simple stretches, lift some weights, or Yoga or Pilates. Many streaming services have exercise videos available.

Arthur Murray’s Popularity Book: Vintage Advice and Wisdom from The Greatest Generation

  • Read an Arthur Murray Classic

    While Arthur & Kathryn Murray were alive, they published many books in the 40’s and 50’s about how to become a great ballroom dancer. The books not only included dance patterns and techniques, but they also held stories, articles, and secrets to improve your dancing. You can check out a list of his books here on Amazon, or search for them on your e-reader.

  • Learn a Line Dance

    Most people think of line dances as “hokey,” but there are some great benefits to learning a line dance! First, line dances use a variety of your basic elements like triple steps, rock steps, & kick ball changes. You are going to use those in practically every social dance, so why not learn how to do them successfully on your own? Second, line dances change focal walls constantly, so you won’t get use to dancing the same grouping in the same place every single time. This starts to train your brain to do the grouping without having to rely on spatial context clues. And third, there a many kinds of line dances for you to try out. Below are just a few.

We hope that this list gives you LOTS of ideas on how to keep your mind and body healthy while combating COVID-19, social distancing, and isolation. We cannot wait to get back to dancing with all of you in the studio. It will be the happiest week of 2020! Until then, keep in touch, follow along with the digital dance lessons on social media, try a virtual lesson, and wash your hands!