Here is a little story from Arthur Murray Int’l:

“The other night someone asked me, ‘Why do you pay so much money for dance lessons?’

Well, I have a confession to make: I don’t pay for dance. Personally, I never cared all that much about dance. Before starting at Arthur Murray, I knew absolutely nothing about dancing. Up until the day that my wife convinced me to join her at the Arthur Murray Saratoga Springs Dance Studio, if you had asked me to Salsa, I would have asked, 'mild or spicy?’ Just a year ago, I thought the Hustle was something I had to do when I was running late to work.

So if I am not paying for dance, what am I paying for?

I pay for the moments when I get to hold my wife and watch her smile uncontrollably back at me. I pay for the moments that make me forget about all of the stress caused by my hectic work schedule. I pay for the time with friends that I look forward to seeing each week who have become an integral part of my life. I pay for my fun and active lifestyle that makes me feel less guilty about foregoing that gym membership… again. I pay for the moments that remind me that anything worth having requires countless hours of hard work and dedication. I pay for the times when I am pushed out of my comfort zone to make me a stronger person. I pay for the sense of accomplishment that comes with every performance and checkout. I pay for the moments of frustration and disappointment that drive me to work harder. I pay for the reminders that success does not take place overnight. I pay for the moments when I can take the dancefloor with my daughter at her wedding and make her proud. I pay for the times when I don’t turn down party invitations because I’m no longer scared of being asked to dance. I pay for the memories I have made and will continue to make with my wife, my friends, and the people who I have come to know as my Arthur Murray family.

I could go on, but to be short, I don’t pay for dance lessons. I pay for all of the benefits that I receive simply as a result of dancing. I am happier, stronger, confident, more determined, less stressed, healthier, and have developed lifelong friends because of dancing. From what I have seen so far, I think it is a great investment!

I am sure that other people get similar questions: ‘Why do you spend so much money on golf, or skiing, or vacations?’ I just think it is important to realize what we are really paying for.”

Uploaded by Arthur Murray Royal Oak on 2018-03-29.

** Adapted from Shad Martin’s blog post, “Why I Don’t Pay for Dance Anymore.” (shadmartin.blogspot.com)